Rebecca Claire-Author
Hi. Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Rebecca; although most people know me as Becky. I have three beautiful boys that are my world and a husband who has had to put up with my obsession for producing this book and following my dreams for the past 12 months.
I live for the simple life and enjoy the great outdoors; having spent a lot of my life with horses. I love spending time with my family and the horses and generally appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds us all. I have a passion for helping people and if I can make someone smile or make someone’s life easier then I am happy.
I currently work as an Occupational Therapist in the NHS but since becoming a parent I long to spend more time with my boys; particularly whilst they are little and I hope that writing may one day become more than just a hobby.
I have bits of paper in drawers everywhere with little poems or ditties on, as writing has often been an outlet and a form of expressing myself. These poems, ditties and stories have remained private until now. I also find myself making up songs on a regular basis; however having been chucked out of the choir as a child I don't think this will be an avenue I will be exploring publicly just yet. I will just make my children endure them instead!
Since becoming a parent I have developed a new found love for reading children’s books and all my boys have two stories at bedtime every night. Reading these stories has re ignited the passion in me to become an author-this was my dream job as a child but the focus was lost when I became completely horse obsessed.
Give me horses, chocolates, my beautiful family and the great outdoors and I am happy. Oooh and a good children's book!!
I hope you enjoy exploring the website. If you would like to follow my journey as an author please follow me on Facebook and Instagram or subscribe to my email list.
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