I have never written a blog in my life and have very little idea about what I am doing; however we all have to start somewhere and so here goes!! My first blog!! I have a love of writing and a love of nature. One day I was up at the park with my little ones and looked at the large tree in the distance, it stood so still; rooted to the ground (excuse the pun) and I thought to myself "I wonder how much that tree has seen in its life." Meanwhile there was another couple sat on the bench completely engrossed in their phones. I suddenly had that sad notion that we are becoming a generation obsessed with social media and phones and are missing out on so much of "real life" and the beauty of the nature that surrounds us. So much of life is spent rushing around manically like 'busy busy bees' that we rarely slow down and appreciate life like the majestic old tree.
Welcome the advent of Mr Leafy-"Mr Leafy is a beautiful tree, a wondrous sight for all to see; he stands tall, branches swaying high in the sky, witnessing things not always noticed by you and I. Can you guess what he can see as he stands viewing the world majestically?"
Mr Leafy sees fluffy-tailed rabbits hopping by, and beautiful brown hares leaping high. He sees lots of children playing on the swings and hears adults talking about all sorts of things!, Can you guess what else he may see, hear or feel? Watch this space for more information on a launch date.
Remember that somewhere near you stands a beautiful tree; just like the wondrous 'Mr Leafy'. Trees and bees are vital for our survival yet I think we often take them for granted. It is well known that being outside has a positive impact on our well-being.
Having had some lovely weather recently it's much easier to get out and enjoy nature. Next time you are out and about why not see what your five senses can discover; it's a good method for relaxation too.